全场疾风步提示您:看后求收藏(第420章 我希望可以成为像您和司遥教授一样的物理学家,差一点我就碰到月亮,全场疾风步,海棠文学城),接着再看更方便。
她笑着对Astrid说:“Let me guess, I bet you just went horse riding, played tennis or maybe go swimming this afternoon?”</p>
“Neither!”Astrid笑着抬起头说,“Mama you got it all wrong.”</p>
“So what you did this afternoon?”温颂好奇的问道,“can you tell me?”</p>
Astrid嘻嘻笑了两声说:“I went shooting, but I think shooting is boring, I can hardly aim. Why is Mama so good at shooting? Can Mama teach me?”</p>
温颂点点头,抱起她说:“Of course, I’m day off tomorrow, so we can go shooting if you want. By the way, papa accompanied you to shooting? Why didn’t he pick me up?”</p>
Astrid露出一个有些失落的表情,搂紧了温颂的脖子说:“No, Brenda accompanied me, she and Johnny drove me here. Grandpapa came to Munich and asked papa to the company for meeting.”</p>
“ok。”温颂听到这话,也对程澈露出了一个同情的表情,又对Astrid说,“Then let’s go home, papa should also be back soon.”</p>